Matt and the Guys,
What a treat – I just got to see you 2 weekends in a row (Annapolis and Dewey Beach)! Been to your show 5 times so far, and always LOVE it. Whenever you play Annapolis, you can count on me being there.
PS – my buddy, Scott, and I were the awe-struck fans who said hi to you while you were setting up at the Starboard. We might ask to get a picture with you next time – we^re official groupies 🙂
Oct 19, 2008 11:24 PM
Thanks for a great time at the Starboard last night, gotta love Dewey Beach even in the rain! Travel safe, Ellen
Oct 18, 2008 5:41 PM
What a great show at Ram^s Head last weekend! I was the girl wearing the Bruce In The USA t-shirt you were talking to at the beginning of the show. Met my fiance^ 2 1/2 years ago at one of your shows. We want to invite you to the wedding!
Oct 16, 2008 6:39 PM
My friend and I saw you at the Redskins game last weekend and we can^t wait for this weekend! I went on line and I will definitely be at The State in Feb. You guys are jaw-dropping fabulous!!
Oct 15, 2008 8:26 PM
pete galvan
loved your show in pittsburgh pa. Tohave you there was enough but how did you talk Gene Simmons to be there ? you and Gene Simmons…..WOW….
Oct 12, 2008 12:28 PM
When are you guys coming back to Central Florida, I^ll even take the North Jersey area over the Holidays. The Springsteen Tour is done for now and I^ll need a fix soon.
Love you guys,
Oct 8, 2008 8:56 PM
Oct 8, 2008 6:28 PM
Hey Matt, when will you be coming back to RI? Had a great time last time at Mardi Gras and we would love to see you again.
Oct 6, 2008 9:47 PM
so glad I peeked at your schedule today! I love Dewey Beach, and I reaally love Starboard!
Oct 4, 2008 11:09 AM
We loved you at Johnny D^s in Somerville, MA. Come back to the area soon, we were the four guys rocking super hard in the front row!
Oct 1, 2008 11:13 PM
Hey guys, i^m a big Bruce fan and my jaw dropped when I first stumbled across you on Youtube… Any chance of coming up to Toronto or anywhere in Southern Ontario??
Sep 30, 2008 1:15 AM
tim castracane
hey matt,how are you big guy,hope all is well,i see you have become quite an attraction,very happy for you.i saw bruce in cardiff,whales in the summer,visiting my bro in the u.k,we drove up from the south of england on harleys it was fantastic,hope to here back from you its been a long time old friend,if i ever make it down there we will have to hook up,take care brother
Sep 18, 2008 12:03 AM
Hi,Wondering if you will be coming back around R.I. or Ma.Look forward to seeing you guys.I HOPE !!!!
Sep 17, 2008 1:44 PM
Enjoyed your shows in RI at Twin River and Mardi Gras. Hope to see you back again real soon
Sep 16, 2008 8:39 PM
Hey Matt! I planning to attend your NYC gig. I can^t get there till 10:00. Will I have miss most of the show by that time?
Sep 11, 2008 9:33 PM
Bob Orchant
Saw your show Saturday night at the State Theater here in Virginia and we really enjoyed it. It was truly a great time. Great job…it looked like the performers enjoyed the show as much as the audience!!
Come back to the DC area soon!!
Sep 8, 2008 12:53 PM
Friends and I seen you play over the weekend at Dover downs, it was an amazing show! When are you planning to play again in dover, or anywheres close?
Sep 7, 2008 7:36 PM
Loved you all at The State tonight……
Have seen you fellas a few times, but never up close. Up close is good :~)
To the sax player……merciful goodness…… lookin forward to seeing you again :~) peace and safe travels
Sep 7, 2008 5:02 AM