Our annual pilgrimage to the State Theatre in Falls Church, VA has been cut short. There will be just one show on January 15, 2022. All tickets from Friday January 14th, 2022 will now be good for the 15th. If you bought tickets for the 14th and can’t attend, please read the below statement from the State Theatre:
The State Theatre statement:
“Friday’s performance with Bruce in the USA has been moved to Saturday. If you purchased tickets for Friday, they have automatically been transferred to Saturday. If you are unable to attend Saturday, please contact that box office at 703-237-0300. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.”
We apologizes for any inconvenience. These are trying times and we find ourselves in many difficult moments as we try to navigate an ever changing public health situation and contractual obligations often made a year in advance.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. BRUCE IN THE USA
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